
There are countless neurological conditions. Some require intensive exercise-based therapy to improve function, while others require more compensatory strategies to improve participation in everyday life.  Regardless of what neurological condition brings you here, we are here to help you live a better life.   

We have experience working with a variety of complex neurological conditions in the community setting.

We have a special interest in:


It’s time to get moving! If you have Parkinson’s intense and frequent exercise can help maintain and possibly improve your physical and cognitive abilities.

Did you Know?

  • It is the fastest growing neurological condition in the world.
  • Even if your symptoms are mild, participation in a tailored exercise program is critical in potentially helping you slow the progression of the disease.
  • Physical activity steadily decreases as Parkinson’s progresses.  This can adversely impact cardiovascular health, bone health, mental health, sleep, cognition, bowel movements.  Exercise can help mitigate these impacts.
  • Living with Parkinson’s is unique to each person.  Parkinson’s has quite varied presentations and rates of progression.

Some of the things you may have trouble with:

  • Walking slowly and/or shuffling
  • Talking while walking
  • Tripping over your own feet and/or uneven surfaces
  • Initiating movement
  • Going up and/or down stairs
  • Standing up from a chair
  • Fear of falling, recent falls and/or almost falling
  • Writing clearly, cutting up food, opening jars or holding a drink
  • Participating in activities you enjoy


This involves any injury to the brain after birth, and can include stroke, brain tumour, aneurysm, traumatic brain injury, infection/disease to the brain, lack of oxygen to the brain, etc.

Did you Know?

  • Practicing a skill over and over changes our brain structure and organisation, even after a brain injury. This enables those with a brain injury to re-learn skills that they have lost. To re-learn a skill you must:
    • Practice the skill you want to improve.  If you want to be better at walking you have to practice walking.  If you want to get better at getting out of a chair you have to practice getting out of a chair. This is called task-specific practice.
    • Do lots of repetitions of the skill you want to learn.  Evidence in research has shown that 400-600 repetitions per day of challenging functional tasks can lead to changes in the brain.
  • Those with a brain injury are at a high risk of losing their independence due to lower physical activity levels and are at a greater risk of future health problems.  Every exercise program should include strength training and fitness to combat these potential long-term issues.  A good fitness program should have you huffing and puffing. 
  • Injury to the brain can happen in people of all ages.

Some of the things you may have trouble with:

  • Bed mobility, getting in/out of bed, standing up from a chair, walking
  • Weakness or paralysis on one side of your body
  • Stiffness or tightness in muscles and joints
  • Balance and coordination
  • Foot drop
  • Fear of falling, recent falls and/or almost falling
  • Completing chores around the house
  • Participating in activities that you enjoy
  • Accessing the community